
Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis Clinic in Columbus

Comprehensive approach, convenient location

The OhioHealth Multiple Sclerosis Clinic is located in the OhioHealth Neuroscience Center at OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital. Here we work closely with our patients and their families throughout the course of a patient's life to find the right MS treatment and manage symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

What we treat 

We treat all types of multiple sclerosis and its symptoms, including:

  • Relapsing-remitting
  • Secondary-progressive
  • Primary-progressive
  • Progressive-relapsing
  • Neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
  • Optic neuritis
  • Spasticity
  • Transverse myelitis

What you can expect at our MS clinic


OhioHealth MS neurologists are experts in distinguishing the subtle symptoms of early onset multiple sclerosis from other, similar conditions. During a diagnostic meeting with them, you can expect:

  • A full physical exam, clinical evaluation and review of symptoms.

  • Determination for testing, such as MRI and PET scans, blood test (to rule out other conditions/causes), spinal tap (lumbar puncture) and evoked potential test.

  • Meeting with a neurologist who is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of MS.

  • Testing and, depending on your symptoms, follow-up appointments will be scheduled.


We develop an MS treatment plan designed to deliver the best possible results for your condition and needs. Routine visits are an important part of each patient’s care plan so that we can monitor stability and disease progression. Some of what you can expect includes:

  • Blood work (if necessary)

  • Strength and coordination tests

  • Repeat MRI (if needed)

  • 25-foot timed walk

  • Medication review

  • Prescription refills

On-site expertise

You will see your MS neurologist at every visit and, depending on your needs and symptoms each time, you may also receive treatment or consultation by our neuro-ophthalmologist; physical, speech and occupational therapists; dietician and social worker.

We also work closely with other specialists who may at times need to be part of your care team, including urologists; internal medicine and emergency medicine physicians; interventional radiologists; and neuropsychologists, psychologists and psychiatrists who all have expertise treating MS patients.  

If you’re a candidate for an MS clinical trial, our onsite MS clinical coordinator is here to explain what’s available and initiate you into the process.