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Cancer Care at OhioHealth

We want your patients to keep making plans

Our nationally recognized cancer experts work closely with you to care for patients who have received a cancer diagnosis — providing them with local access to advanced treatment options, research and clinical trials, and survivorship programs.

Get in touch with a cancer specialist who can answer your questions and connect you to our cancer physicians, programs and services. Contact OhioHealth CancerCall Monday-Friday, 8 AM-4:30 PM at (800) 752-9119.

We’re close to what matters most

With more care sites in central Ohio than any other hospital system, your patients have easy access to state-of-the-art facilities near where they live and work.

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Turning cancer patients into survivors

Real patients with unique cancer journeys discuss how their OhioHealth cancer care team inspired them to not only keep making plans — but made it possible to see them through.


Frequently asked questions

What cancer programs and services do you provide?

We are proud to provide comprehensive, nationally recognized care for patients diagnosed with all types of cancers — plus integrative care programs that enhance traditional treatment plans by applying fields like stress management, massage therapy and acupuncture.

  • Breast cancer
  • Cancer rehabilitation
  • Cardio oncology
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gastrointestinal surgical oncology
  • Gynecologic cancer
  • Hematology and Blood Cancers
  • Interventional radiology (IR)
  • Lung cancer
  • Medical oncology
  • Precision medicine
  • Prostate cancer
  • Radiation oncology
  • Skin cancer
  • Survivorship and supportive care
  • And more — we treat over 50 types of cancer!
Is there supporting documentation I need to refer my patient?

When calling to make a patient referral, we ask that you provide the patient’s insurance information. Required diagnostic records vary by provider and the medical condition being treated; we will work with you to ensure all necessary documentation is collected.

How are you keeping patients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic?

OhioHealth is taking measures to reduce the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19, and keep our patients, providers and associates safe. View our most recent updates.