
Administrative Fellowship Program

We build leaders

Our two-year program transforms recent graduates into visionary healthcare leaders and outstanding innovators within our health system.

OhioHealth’s Administrative Fellowship pairs you with preceptors who help you develop key skills like relationship management, team building, decision-making, strategic planning and people management.

As a fellow, you will enjoy meaningful interactions with executive-level leaders across the health system, and be looked to as a contributing member of our leadership team.

Who we are and what we do

You’re exactly who we’re looking for

Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of a healthcare-related master’s degree program within 12 months of beginning the fellowship, typically an MHA/MHSA, MPH or MBA, or completion of the didactic portion of a degree program that requires the completion of a fellowship prior to conferment of the degree.
  • Demonstration of the verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills required to work with a variety of healthcare leaders, including executives, physicians and associates at all levels of the organization.
  • Proficiency with the analytical skills necessary to assess facts and develop recommendations.
  • Experience with Microsoft tools, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Ideal candidates are people who:

  • Communicate effectively with everyone, from frontline associates to executives.
  • Focus on the future and engage others in their vision through dynamic leadership.
  • Maintain a positive and professional demeanor.
  • Desire to be challenged at a high level.
  • Actively solicit and welcome feedback.
  • Take initiative, work hard, and accept accountability.
  • Demonstrate solid organizational while showing comfort with flexibility.
  • Effectively manage multiple projects and responsibilities simultaneously.
  • Function as an effective and supportive team player.

Looking to Learn More?

To learn more, email us at

Upcoming Webinars

  • June 24, 4 to 5 PM
  • July 11, 12 to 1 PM
  • July 30, 4 to 5 PM
  • August 14, 4 to 5 PM

Register Now

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